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2023 Hike-a-thon

We're looking forward to the second annual Hike-a-thon!

November 21, 2023
The Hike-A-Thon is a fundraiser to support TPS as well as our partner school, the Aale School, through United World Schools (UWS), a non-profit NGO. TPS is part of the UWS service-learning program that encourages children to engage in philanthropic activities and raise global awareness. Located in the southeast foothills of Mount Everest in Nepal, the Aale School was built in 2019 by UWS and local community members. It serves both girls and boys in kindergarten through grade 5 and trains and employs locals teachers.

Timing and Information

8:30am - Hike Begins
11:15am - Lunch is Served
12:00pm - dismissal
Deck yourself out in your favorite Green and Gold swag, and hit the trails with us!


Please RSVP below:


I am a:
Family Namerequired
First Name
Last Name
I will hike with my child(ren)This question is for parents only
This question is for parents only
I will attend lunch after the hike
Dismissal Plans:This question is for parents only
This question is for parents only