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Board of Trustees

The board strives to maintain a diversity of talents, expertise, experience, and geography to reflect accurately the community of the school.

As with most independent schools, the Tuxedo Park School Board is a self-perpetuating group that selects its peers. The board must consist of at least 15 members but cannot exceed 25. A trustee’s term of office is three years, and they may be re-elected for a second three-year term. The board consists of current parents, alumni, parents of alumni, and community leaders. New trustees are nominated by the committee on trustees. Potential trustees have a strong record of support for the school and are committed to its future goals and policies.

We deeply appreciate those volunteers who serve as trustees. We thank them for their time, talent, and treasure as they lead our school into its bright future.

Board of Trustees

The board’s role is similar to a committee overseeing a corporation; it is responsible for setting policy, regulating the school’s financial health, and selecting the head of school. The board is not responsible for the daily management of the school but is involved in policy matters and takes a leadership role in fund raising. The board also offers expertise in a variety of fields, from finance, investment, and construction to legal, marketing, and strategic planning.

Dawn Angney-Kress

Monica Baez

Anne Christensen

Suzanne Donaghy

Elizabeth Gunnison Dunn

Edward Hargroves

David Lazar

Kemi Olateju

Frank Peverly

Jay Reichgott

Chandler Rohde

Gus Saliba

John (Jake) Shepard

Stephanie Staal

Elizabeth Stradar

Allison Taylor